A late return

I went to school today, thinking that I'll be free after my last class. On Mondays, I usually get home around 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Knowing that, my boss (I haven't mentioned him in a while) called me up, because there was a meeting at work, he wants me to attend and give him some input on the new project that he will be undertaking.

I told him that I will not be able to help with the new project until end of April, when my school exams for the semester:

"Don't worry. I've schedule this project to start beginning of May. So you won't be behind with the information, and be up to date with the proceedings." *smile smile smile*.

Me: ... ... ...

After the meeting, I got a call from the people in my group. They asked if I could meet up with them. I went to the library's conference room, and we discussed everything that needs to be done for the presentation, and how it'll be distributed, how many pages it should be, and more.

We ordered take out, but it didn't seem to fill my hunger. By the time our discussion ended and compared research notes, it was already 9pm. I had a really hard time walking to the station because of the snow. Snow were dumped all over the side walk, so I had to walk on the road.


When I got home, it was already 11pm. I quickly did my Case Study, and went to bed. It feels like school is causing me to lose sleep more than work...

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