Although I have been diligently writing my blogs on a piece of paper, or on Word, I know haven't posted any of them for a while because I wanted to concentrate on my exams. I promised myself that I will post them all at once on Friday.
As you can see, they're all posted. Today was probably one of the longest days ever. I spent 8 hours taking exams. Cost Accounting which I thought wasn't so difficult, was actually pretty tricky. Whomever wrote the exam is a very cunning person and calculative. I bet that a lot of people didn't study this subject because it wasn't complicated during class. Hence, a lot of people were not able to finish this 2 hour exam.
Auditing was unexpectedly easy. Although we were asked to go back 7 years' time, we were only asked to audit a section of a small company instead of auditing their entire bookkeeping records. Since I had experience in this area, I was able to finish this 3 hour exam in 2 hours and 15 minutes.
After leaving the exam room, I studied for my next exam because I knew how tricky it could turn out to be. When I began answering the questions and doing the problems on the computer, I was really glad that I spent time looking through my lecture notes. This exam was set for 3 hours but I barely had enough time to complete all the assignments and the questions.
There were some really tricky and annoying questions in there that I'm not sure if there were many people who could answer it unless they had listened to the lectures and had taken down good quality notes, or had hands-on experience. There were some questions that you had to have experience for, which I found unfair since there was no experience requirement for this class.
Even though we had test, exams, and quizzes for this class leading to this mid-term exam, there were no indication that such question would turn up. All I can say is that people should apply through student union for a part time job to gain experience if they haven't already. Now that they had some knowledge of what the mid-term looked like, I'm assuming that the finals wouldn't be far off and probably harder.
Overall, I'm quite pleased with my performance. I just hope that the first 2 days of my exam isn't as bad as I think it was because of my fever, and hopefully, I get the marks that I've aimed and studied hard for.
A day to day basis