First day back to work

Today was my first day back at work.

I was quite surprised that there wasn't any boxes, files, or folders, on my desk. Having taken a long vacation, I would have thought that I would be drowning with things to do get I get back.

I have this bad feeling, shivers running down my spine, that this is part of my superior's plan.  Get me all cozy, in a 'welcome back to work' atmosphere, and then dumped workloads on me all at once...

Even if I knew I had seen it coming, no matter how much preparation I make, I am almost positive that it won't be enough. Poor me...

On another note, I don't think I'll be able to post tomorrow because my internet will be cut off as of midnight tonight, and we'll be changing our Internet Service Provider. 

I will, however, write my blog on a word document, and post it all when I get my internet back. Honest!

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