Let me box you

There's really not much to say today...

I spent the first few of my waking hours studying and indulging myself to 3 cups of coffee, after which, my father woke up and decided to literally drag me outside for a run around the neighbourhood.

It's been a while since I last went for one. The cool winter breeze filled my nostrils, and I mentally added it to my list of things to do when I have the time, in the morn, that is. I felt refreshed.

We then proceeded to eat breakfast, took a shower, vacuum the entire house, and mop the floors.

At around 11am, my mother arrived home from work. She started telling me, she now knows how I felt when I worked a 16 hour shift.

My dad's aunt invited us for lunch, so we went to their house. In their basement, my dad's cousins built a boxing ring.

boxing ring

My sister, Raine, beat up my brother AJ, in this very ring last Christmas. I took a video of it, but I don't remember if my dad uploaded it... I'll have to ask him.

I managed to get some exercise there, practised my kick-boxing techniques and realized how unfit I've been during this holiday season. This has given me more proof that I've been slacking off with work as an excuse. Therefore, I added it to my list to do...

The list just keeps getting longer and longer.

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